Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Welcome to our World

...with love from Grandma

...and Grandad

Looks just a little bit like his Grandma?


Alice said...

How lovely to see photos of the family, and especially you, Noella.

I read your email and thought, "That daft girl hasn't sent me any photos ....lol." But here they are on your blog. (And I know you cheated because I checked your blog only a few days ago and the lovely photo of the family wasn't there .....lol. I sure keep tabs on you, Noella!)

Great to know that John is doing well, and doubtless they've all settled into some sort of routine by now.

Thank you so much for this posting. I feel I know you a little better now.

Take care, dear.

Alice said...

I enlarged the photos and they look great.

I was trying to work out which football match was on the screen in the house, but couldn't quite manage it.....lol. Is that your house or Daniel's?

Noella said...

Alice, the earlier date on the blog was 'cos that's when I first starting drafting it! (What, me procrastinate? Not since I've finally got around to reading 2 excellent books to get me moving again and put some planning in place.) It's nice to know you arekeeping tabs on me as that will give me incentive to keep posting!

That's Daniel's lovely new house. They had a good start and have worked hard. Footy match? Your eyes sure are good! At Daniel's, it would have to be soccer.

Thanks for visiting...

Noella said...

Alice, I just enlarged the photos and they are much clearer. As for the close-up of me – yikes!! I hadn't noticed me lately...

Alice said...

Hey, Noella - go see my blog now, you'll laugh yourself silly, but I'm so thrilled I found them!