Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Still grieving our beautiful Willow


It is 2 months now that our beautiful cat, Willow, has been missing. I can hardly bear that my previous cat, Angel, similar in colour and fluffy fur, also disappeared nearly 2 years ago. Both were sterilised, tatooed, inoculations up to date, and Willow micro-chipped. All our searching and asking has unearthed no clues.

Our heats ache with missing Willow's sweet and playful personality. She was a real lady. She had these cute little paws with tufts of fur sticking out between her toes. I keep wondering, does she live on in someone else's home or ...?


Alice said...

Noella - I didn't know that Willow had gone missing. That is so sad. I well remember when you lost Angel and how much Willow eased your heartache then. To think that Willow has also gone missing is incredible.

I guess after two months you don't really hold out much hope for her return. Although a Brisbane family has just had their little dog returned to them from Melbourne. It was missing for nine YEARS!

Maura said...

Noella ...*your name is so beautiful*,

I'm so sorry for your loss of lovely Willow. And you're still within that time-frame of hoping for her return. It's certainly possible ~ I will hope with you.

I followed you over here from Capt. Dave's, where it's always enjoyable to read your thoughtful comments. He's just the best, isn't he?

cogidubnus said...

As a (multiple) cat lover of many years, believe me I know just how heartbreaking this can's always better to know what's happened to them...

Noella said...

Dear Alice, Maura and Cogidubnus, your kind comments are very much appreciated. It is always a comfort when others understand the loss of a much-loved pet.

Maura, yep, Captain Dave is THE BEST!

DR said...

A lovely little cat lives here with us - LilyKay. She has the same sweet little paws. My first cat was Jax - I thought I would guard my heart from falling in love with another kitty we he was lost - they are too cavalier I thought. LilyKay came as my little girl's kitten. What is it about cats? I admit that I love her as well.
I am so sorry for your loss. ~D