Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It seemed like a good idea at the time...

My two grandsons are a delight in my life. Last week our Church held a large function in the community drama centre. In between taking my part with the music group, I assisted my daughter-in-law in keeping the energetic boys occupied. 

Unfortunately, the air conditioner had broken down at the start of the heatwave, and the full theatre became quite uncomfortable. But John discovered a really cool way to pass time. He discovered the cold water cask in the foyer! 

I thought, now this will keep him quietly out of mischief for a good half hour or more so I allowed him to carefully press the button on the cask and partially fill and recycle a few disposable cups.  As he did so, he happily drank about six of the half-filled cups of water and his little tummy bulged out in front as he started to make little burps, then got the hiccups. His Mum was not impressed when he produced big four puddles and needed four changes of pants in the next half hour!  I am told he filled two nappies on the way home. I still don't know how those little cups of water could produce so much output!  

Sharon told me that that had not been such a good idea!
I am inclined to agree...but at least he didn't get dehydrated in the heat!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life's Cycles


On Saturday I dropped into Big-W for just a few minutes when an announcement was made that several display bicycles had been marked down to half price at the front of the store. For several months I had been watching a certain bicycle that I felt suited to my requirements, with a view to purchasing one when we moved to our new home with its surrounding parklands and cycleways.

Coolly and casually not rushing, I joined several other shoppers who were also coolly and casually not rushing to check out these bargains. There stood two children's bicycles and—I couldn't believe my eyes—my chosen bicycle, reduced from $248 to just $100. My hands reached out and wrapped around the hand grips—my Prize in my grasp.

It must be about 17 years since I have ridden a bicycle. The early compulsory chunky helmets, the style of higher crossbars on ladies' cycles, and increasingly busy roads had taken away the desire to keep fit by cycling. Now, with changed circumstances, all I had to do was mount this bicycle and if it felt comfortable I had first option to purchase my bike at a super bargain price.

The surrounding little crowd was watching me, with a few comments in the air stating interest in it and one definite, "If she doesn't take it, I will have it for sure."  All eyes were on me, this youthful spirit with the not-so-youthful body. It might have been a different story if I had mounted it from the left side, but I took it where I was, on its right. With my heavy handbag swinging wildly from my right shoulder I swung my left leg over the frame.

Uh oh; something had changed over those years. The joints were not so supple nor the balance as good.  Maybe I could swing the leg back, get balanced and try again, but my left foot became tangled between the seat and parcel frame!  Hopping about trying to free it and keep upright, the inevitable happened and CRASH, down I went on top of my handbag with the bike, foot still entangled, crashing down on top!

The crowd roared—or so it seemed to me! Several people hovered over me, untangling and helping me up, showing great concern and checking me out to see if I was hurt or in shock. They appeared stunned when as soon as I was on my feet I dropped the handbag, grabbed the handle grips, and tried again. Breaths were drawn and held...

Success! I straddled the bicycle and it felt good! Everything about it felt manageable and comfortable and my decision was made. The little crowd seemed uncertain whether to cheer, express disappointment, or concern for this mad woman.

Maybe my spirit is younger than my body...but I intend doing something about that now!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

NightOwl's New Nest

For friends (near and far) who may like to follow the building of our new home, I will post regular updates on a parallel blog named Nightowl's New Nest. This may be reached by clicking on the title of this post (above), by the link on my complete profile, or at http://nightowlsnewnest.blogspot.com

This is our vacant block viewed from the back to front. Across the road is our "bonus front yard" which the Council maintains.

Rain at last!
Being sandy soil, this heavy downpour had drained away next day.

For updates, see you at NightOwl's New Nest...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 05, 2010

It's time!


Eight months down the track...

* I have started a new job at the same institution but in a different discipline, and have been both grateful and humbled by the struggles of re-learning everything at age 60;

* We have bought a block of land;

* And a house to be built on it;

* Sold our home after months of preparation, opening on the hottest day this summer;

* Carried out marathon clean-outs and decluttering;

* Packed more boxes of my books than everything else we own put together!

* Fulfilled numerous regulations, repairs and maintenance before departing;

* Moved throughout summer's worst heatwave;

* Celebrated our 36th Wedding Anniversary along with the removalist's van;

We are grateful to God for a new beginning at this stage of our lives, and we deeply appreciate our supportive, faithful friends!