Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 05, 2010

It's time!


Eight months down the track...

* I have started a new job at the same institution but in a different discipline, and have been both grateful and humbled by the struggles of re-learning everything at age 60;

* We have bought a block of land;

* And a house to be built on it;

* Sold our home after months of preparation, opening on the hottest day this summer;

* Carried out marathon clean-outs and decluttering;

* Packed more boxes of my books than everything else we own put together!

* Fulfilled numerous regulations, repairs and maintenance before departing;

* Moved throughout summer's worst heatwave;

* Celebrated our 36th Wedding Anniversary along with the removalist's van;

We are grateful to God for a new beginning at this stage of our lives, and we deeply appreciate our supportive, faithful friends!