Hello! Is anybody there?
Let me introduce myself! I am Willow, but you can call me Pussy-Willow for short. I chose my owner five weeks ago when she came to the Cat Haven; since then I've kept her very busy as my personal assistant and entertainment centre. I heard her say she was getting behind in her blog and that doesn't sound very nice at all. She was sitting at the computer at the time, so I thought I'd take a peek...
First I checked out the little red light at the top of the screen, then hit the mouse around a bit, and before you could miaow 'cat biscuits', here I am, on the screen!
All this walking on the keys has tuckered me out. I think it's time for another snooze...but...
I am THE CAT - and you must remember that!
....but hopefully not the "cat o' nine tails" ie. Anthony Warlow in 'HMS Pinafore'.
Absolutely beautiful, Willow, but then, would we expect your owner to choose anything less?
I'm very honoured to make your acquaintance. I'm sure you will live a long and happy life with your new 'Mummy', so long as she does what you tell her...lol.
You've got it, Alice!
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