Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A Massage from the Management

Good Evening!
I noticed that Her Royal Highness the Queen, gives a Christmas Message to the World — and as I don't expect to be treated any different from the Queen, I would like to address you all with my New Year Massage.

But first of all, I needed to do some research if I was to pass on words of wisdom. I googled 'Queen's message' and found out that one year the Queen said that she had had an Annus Horribilis. Well I can identify with her there too, as this year I also had such an experience! Fortunately, the Vet said it showed I didn't have a temperature!

Then it was in the Vet's waiting room that I learned a valuable lesson: it is better to forgive than carry a grudge, particularly in mixed company. It has been said that "Resentment has a way of coming back and biting you on the tail." That proved to be true — but I still think that's a stupid name for a dog!

Anyway, with a little assistance from my Personal Assistant, here is my New Year Massage:

May the year 2008 bring good food and fun times into your life.
May you give and receive lots of hugs and kisses from your family and friends.
[Don't forget to cuddle the cat!]
May you see the beauty in Nature and the wonder of God's Creation.
May you carry out some great exploration,
Attempt new challenges,

Keep an inquisitive mind, and never stop learning new things.
May you remember to count your many blessings
And to have a thankful heart,
May you be kind to others and helpful,
And may you know without a doubt that God loves you!

- Willow


Alice said...

Move over Your Majesty! Willow and Noella have this massage/message business sewn up and you just can't compete any more.

Noella - that is a beautiful message; one worth printing and reading every day.

May God bless you and your family and friends each and every day of the year.

Noella said...

Thank you, Alice, and Willow sends a whiskery nose rub to you.

May God bless you and your loved ones also.

Jane said...

How wonderful that you now have Willow in your life, Noella! I still have the two little ones (young-uns, as we say in the South), Muffin (3) and Lucy (2) who both make certain I get my daily dose of kitty-attention. Happy New Year to you on the other side of the world. (and yes, I agree. Dave's blog is wonderful!)

Alice said...

Oi, Willow's had her fortnight of glory and attention!!!!!!....lol

Noella said...

Alice, where would I be without your kindly encouragement...?