The way to love someone is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul until you find a crack, and then gently pour your love into that crack ~ Keith Miller
Sometimes my life has more challenges than average; sometimes it has less. But when I look back, I see it is through the tough times that I have grown the most and that I have been most blessed.
This is my journal. It is not a diary so much as a place to express my musings. I hope it will bless my friends and encourage and amuse anyone else who stumbles across it. Foremost though, I offer it as prayer, a two-way conversation with my Loving Father, God.
Looks just like Grandma Noella in the second
All grandchild photos happily ooohed and aaahed over.... is that enough encouragement?
Hee hee! Looks like my first self-portrait in drawing class, peering intently into the mirror!
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