Monday, January 02, 2006

Beginning the Rest of My Life

New Year 2006 has begun with none of the drama of other years; 2 days down, 363 to go!

A year ago, only 6 hours into 2005, I had already dealt with two emergencies. After a distress call at 2 a.m., I made a trip to the hospital emergency department to collect
our younger son, now stapled together following another dramatic event initiated by the fearlessness of youth. A few hours later, followed a phone call from my elderly Father with pain, delirium and other distressing symptoms caused by having swallowed a live red back spider a day or two earlier. Most likely it had bitten him internally, perhaps several times, on the way down. And so the year continued...

Highlight of 2005 was exploring a bit of England, a tour in Europe, and stopovers in Dubai with my husband, our older son and new daughter. We had some great times and made some great memories. I experience trips in thirds: one third the excitement of planning and anticipation; one third the actual experience; and one third the reminiscing, when even the bad bits, relived with a bit of creativity and humour, become highlights to relish and share with friends.

Unplanned was my undertaking 2 trips to Alaska, one in March, the second in August/Sept. By the most direct route from Perth, Western Australia, this is 40 hours in transit each way. I expect I will write more about this in future blogs.

I go into 2006 giving praise to God for His love and many blessings in my life.

1 comment:

LindaD said...

They say that if you get one good idea from a magazine, its worth its price. I've only read two of your archives.. both wonderful, and I love this thought

I experience trips in thirds: one third the excitement of planning and anticipation; one third the actual experience; and one third the reminiscing, when even the bad bits, relived with a bit of creativity and humour, become highlights to relish and share with friends.