Monday, January 16, 2006

Please don't feed the seagulls...


The jetties at Fremantle Boat Harbour are one of Perth's most loved places to relax and revive from the heat of the Summer's day.

After work this evening my husband and I headed down to Cicerello's for a serve of their world-famous fish'n chips, wrapped up in paper and eaten with the fingers. We chose a table outdoors on the verandah overlooking the harbour, and were entertained by the gentle boating activity.
The fish'n chips sure tasted good! We lingered to soak up the salty sea air, revitalizing ourselves with a gentle visit from the Fremantle Doctor [cooling, afternoon sea breeze]. Then the sun set and we watched a 'floor show' of changing hues of colour on the clouds and their reflection from the water.

A million dollar experience, right here on our doorstep, and costing just $10.50 with free parking! Just one thing though...

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